Reproduction of the 37th Alabama Battle Flag |
Noel R. Stowe (GrGrGrandson)
Matthew A. Stowe (GrGrGrGrandson)
Becky Stowe (GrGrGranddaughter in law)
We were invited to take part in the 150th Anniversary and reenactment of the Battle of Iuka by the Tishomingo County Historical and Genealogical Society and the Iuka Museum. We were asked to give a presentation about the 37th Alabama Infantry. In addition we provided a display for the museum consisting of Becky’s reproduction of the 37th Alabama Battle Flag, the Alabama Ordinance of succession signed by J. F. Dowdell, and a copy of the Vicksburg newspaper printed on the back of wallpaper and about 50 examples of J. F. Dowdell’s letters and other papers. We were hosted by Bill and Kathy Gurley along with Fielding Tyler (GrGrGrandson of General Henry Little – killed – Iuka), Dr. Bill Bozeman (GrGrGrandson of Colonel John Stone – later Governor of Mississippi); Dr. E. C. Fields, Jr. (General Ulysses S. Grant – Commander Union Forces) and Dr. Ben E. Kitchens (author of “Rosecrans meets Price – the Battle of Iuka, Mississippi). The event lasted three days and was well attended.
Probably the major reason we are here is my Grandmother Mrs. Rosie Read Stowe, the daughter of Dr. A. H. Read, my namesake. Dr. Read was assistant surgeon to Robert E. Lee. Read surrendered with Lee at Appomattox in April 1865. I was one of those kids who grew up with a picture of Stonewall Jackson hanging above his bed. Almost every night after supper my Grandmother would sit with me and retell stories that had been passed down to her. Things she had learned from her family about her Grandfather and the War Between the States. Later I learned this is called oral history. This, along with Col. Dowdell’s letters and some brief archaeological work at Nanahubba Bluff, the site of Gen. Earl Van Doren’s (Army of the Mississippi) House and grave. Also relative to the war I have conducted archaeological work at the home of General P. T. G. Beauregard near Verret, LA, the Spanish Fort Battlefield site east of Mobile, the Blakeley battlefield in northern Baldwin County and Fort Morgan and Ft. Gaines at the mouth of Mobile Bay.
I am not a historical archaeologist and certainly not a professional historian. I have spent the last 50 years excavating prehistoric Native American sites mostly in the southeastern United States and Mexico. It’s a small world. I spent part of 1967 and 1968 excavating sites in the Bear Creek watershed, in northwest Alabama about 10 miles east of here.
First, what I know about my Great Great Grandfather. He was born in Greenville, Jasper County, Georgia in 1818 and throughout this life usually listed his occupation as farmer. However, he graduated from Randolph Macon College at, or near, the top of his class and in-turn read law under General Hugh Haralson, LaGrange, Georgia. Later in life he moved to Oak Bowery, Alabama. He was elected to the 33rd, 34th and 35th U. S. Congresses. He voted for and signed Alabama’s Ordinance of Secession. About a year into the Civil War he was elected Colonel and Commander of the 37th Alabama Infantry. The troops were drawn from counties in east central Alabama and mustered at Auburn, AL.
After the war he served as President of East Alabama Male Collage – later known as Auburn University and even later offered the Presidency of Randolph Macon College. He was always both a teacher and student.
From what I’ve heard and read Col. Dowdell was a large man, over 6 feet tall, humble and very unassuming. Towards his men he was fatherly and protective. Dowdell was devoutly religious and early on he had become a Methodist minister riding a circuit from Auburn to Greensboro, Alabama. Throughout the war he constantly commented about a desire to return to his family and teaching. There are several accounts of him visiting his troops after dinner where he would join in the conversation and from his pouch hand out peanuts and sweet potatoes. Behind his back they sometimes called him “Old Granny”.
The Battle of Iuka
Fielding Tyler (GrGrGrandson of General Little), Read, and Bill Bozeman (GrGrGrandson of Col. Stone) |
The 37th Alabama “met the elephant” during the Battle of Iuka. The unit was under the Command of Col. JF Dowdell, Lt. Col. Alexander A. Greene and Major William F. Slayton. During the battle 2 men were killed and 43 wounded. Col. Dowdell was among the wounded.
The 37th entered the battle about ¾ mile southeast of the town of Iuka along with the 36th Mississippi just east of the Jacinto Road. In turn the 36th and 37th faced the 11th Missouri.
About a week after Iuka the 37th was engaged at Corinth where 5 men were killed along with the 4th Brigade Commander Gen. Martin.
Becky & Matt at Twin Magnolias. This bedroom was where General Little was
brought after he was shot. |
He was captured at Vicksburg on July 4, 1863, paroled and returned home. He later returned to his unit and arrived at Atlanta in late 1863.
There are about 50 letters and documents in this collection I have brought some of them with me for display and I am going to read excerpts from a few of them. What I will try and do is give you an idea of the man, what he thought about life at home and some of the action in northern and central Mississippi.
These letters and documents begin in Washington in the 1850s and go through his certificate of Retirement and Invalid Corps duty to August 1864. He also writes later from the Battle of Atlanta.
These letters have been passed down through the family since they were written. Late in her life my Grandmother gave me several boxes of papers including Indian Land Grants, letters, diplomas, military records, photographs, etc. Several years ago I had hoped to participate in a book on the 37th Alabama with Dr. Gerald Golden. Unfortunately, Dr. Golden died in 2002 and this did not come to pass. Auburn already has a collection of Dowdell’s papers so this is where they will eventually be reposited.
We have excerpted material from about 13 letters. They span time from the 1850s to 1863 and geographically from Washington to Vicksburg.
Montgomery, AL
Jan 24th 1861
My Dear Wife,
My health at this time is good – for a few days past I have had a very bad cold, but am recovering from it fast.
It has rained here every other day and been cloudy between times – many ladies here have their husbands at Pensacola facing the guns of a powerful fort occupied by the enemy. You should be content. I am very anxious to be with you and our children – but my duty keeps me here – in a few days we shall take a recess and I will hasten home.
I can buy nothing new for parlors – we must first have provisions for ourselves and negroes – our days of quiet are over. There is no doubt about war between the two sections – the campaign will be opened at furthest by summer. We shall triumph after a severe conflict.
Most affectionately
JF Dowdell
Montgomery, AL
Jan 26th 1861
Since we have been in session – I hope that you have had better weather in Chambers. Give my love to all the children and keep little Josh, which I know you will, for me. Political news, just the same; the question of war or peace not decided.
JF Dowdell
Montgomery, AL
March 16th 1861
My Dear Wife,
It will be perhaps the last of the week before I can get away from this place.
If the hands should finish planting the field in which they are now plowing, tell Dick to have the bottom broken up where I told him to cut the poplar log out of the way – to break up the bottom there which Mr. Reynolds had in corn last year, on both sides of the fence – it is likely that I will get home by the time the plows will finish breaking up the bottom . The signs of war begin again to appear and I would not be surprised to hear that hostilities had commenced at any time. All the volunteers will be ordered out, if the war opens. The convention moves slowly to its close.
JF Dowdell
Mobile, AL
June 4th 1862
My Dear Wife
We have reached this place and leave at 4 o’clock for Baldwin some 20 miles this side of Corinth where Genl Beauregards head Quarters are now established. We learn some 20 men at the Hospital here sick and go on with about 600. Newton Thomas is left here sick.
Ally has been a little sick in his bowels but keeps up. Lewis’ is good.
Affectionately Yours
JF Dowdell
Columbus, MS
June 7th 1862
My dear Wife,
My heart turns every moment to him and its sacred associations and my prayer to God is that I may once more be permitted to sit unmolested around the family fireside – the dear children! Kiss them all for me and tell them to pray for me.
I learn this morning that an order has been issued to fortify this point. If so, it is more than likely that the main army will make a stand at this place, as they are now falling back to Baldwin some 30 miles this side of Corinth.
There are about 3,000 sick here and they continue to come in from the main army.
Most affectionately,
JF Dowdell
Columbus, MS
July 4th 1862
My Dear Wife,
We have only lost about 17 men since the first companies of the Regt. Were organized. Some Regiments here have lost over one hundred.
This place is about as healthy I reckon as we shall get to, during the war.
There is some report of an onward movement from this point in a short time – of this however there is no certainty – we know nothing of the future, at home or about – we must trust in God or go down. I am studying Tuckers and army regulations night and day, with some prospect of learning a little about them. I feel that I am improving, and were it not that I am almost certainly called off in discharge of duties connected with the Post, I should hope soon to learn those immediately belonging to my Regiment.
JF Dowdell
Hd. Qts 37th Regt. Alabama Volunteers
4th Brigade. Little’s Division
Saltillo, MS
August 23rd 1862
My Dear Daughter,
From present indication, we will receive marching orders in a few days and I expect will not be long in coming up with the enemy, for he is not very far off. On Wednesday last two of our men from the Tallapoosa Company were out hunting chicken for the sick and about five miles from our camp report that they were arrested by Yankee scouts who paroled them and turned them loose. A few Calvary have gone to scour the country to ascertain the truth of their statement. The health of the Regiment is improving. We have only lost one man since we arrived at this place, although some few have died in Hospital at Columbus, MS.
Chance is well and an invaluable servant. He is worth his weight in gold to me. Sambo keeps well but wants to get home awfully bad.
Headquarters 37th Alabama
Abbeville, MS
Nov. 17th 1862
My Dear Daughter
We are here upon the banks of the Tallahatchie River where the Railroad (Miss Central) crosses it and the order is that the enemy will be fought on this line. The enemy at present is upon cold water some 7 miles above Holly Springs. Our army though small is in good spirits and I think able at least to hold the enemy though 5 times the number at bay. We are hoping that intervention will close the war by Spring but we have been disappointed so often, we must prepare for the worst – a long war – I should like very much to visit home this winter but feat that the exigencies of the ser ice will not allow it.
JF Dowdell
Abbeville, MS
Nov 25th 1862
My Dear Wife,
If you have not yet procured cloth for drawers – you need not get it – I can do well without anymore, as I have 3 pair on hand. The other articles which I mentioned, you may send by safe hand.
JF Dowdell
Headquarters 37th Alabama Volunteers
Moore’s Brigade, Maury’s Division
Grenada, MS
Dec 26th 1862
My Dear Wife,
We have just received orders to be ready to move by Railroad on tomorrow morning 7 ½ o’clock. I think we go to Vicksburg and I will write from the place which we stop in. Since we have been sojourning at this place the general health of the Regiment has been good, my own very good. A great battle is expected near Vicksburg, as the enemy will exert his full power to open the navigation of the Mississippi River which has been kept closed by our possession of Vicksburg. Great confidence is felt that we will be able to hold that place. Should we be able to do so, then we certainly calculate upon the enemy being brought to terms by Spring – on the day before Christmas President Davis accompanied by General Joseph Johnston reviewed the troops at this place – I made the acquaintance of General Johnston and like him very much. With the President I had but a few minutes conversation mostly upon general subjects. They both left on yesterday.
On Christmas day I dined in camp with General Whitfield who had a most excellent dinner. I thought of home – oh how I long to be there. Shall I be permitted again to sit around my happy fireside?
When I shall be able to get a leave of absence I cannot tell, not before we go into winter quarters – perhaps sometime in January. Try and make your arrangements for another year in reference to uniforms and procuring necessary treasury, etc. etc.. Do not depend upon the easing of the blockade for cheaper prices of clothing , etc. but produce and manufacture at home all that can be done. Act as if you expected the war to last 7 years or longer. To get rid of Yankeedom and have an Independent Government is worth the largest sacrifices and I have abiding confidence in the Providence of God that he will overrule all our troubles and make all things work together for our good. Nothing for infidelity and persistent wickedness on our part can permanently injure us in the ordeal through which we shall to pass may be fiery but it will purify us and prepare us for high duty and privileges.
Your Devoted
JF Dowdell
Headquarters 37th Alabama Volunteers
Ft. Pemberton near Greenwood, MS
April 2nd 1863
My Dear Daughter,
I am glad to know that you all are well. When I read your letters for the time being I am with you all. Your letters are very interesting to me. Both in style and execution. They can hardly be excelled. I wish you would try and improved Render’s hand – none of the children will ever write like you, unless great pains are taken with them. On yesterday I write a letter to Render and enclosed it in one to your Mother. Bring all your influence to bear upon him and Lewis to make good boys of them. You must not neglect your studies. Take up moral and intellectual Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany, French, Spanish, History, Poetry, Music, spinning and weaving and cooking; learn all.
We have been in expectation of an attack by the enemy. This to one at home looks as if we should in continued suspense and anxiety and yet it is not so. We become so accustomed to it, that the firing of our pickets and the booming of the Cannon create but little disturbance in our feelings. On several occasions we thought that we were going immediately into battle, but the Lord has directed otherwise. I have not learned to love war. My tasks are for peace and quiet and rest. When we all get to heaven we shall have peace. Whilst at Yazoo City the citizens were very kind to us. Some of the ladies came through the camp and visited headquarters. We seated them in our tent the best we could and Lou waited on one of them and I think was somewhat smitten. The next time you write to him ask him how he likes Miss Fuqua – don’t tell him who gave you the name. She is a handsome girl and the young lieutenants in the Regiment waited on you assiduously the short time which we remained at Yazoo City.
The Regiment keeps in pretty good health. Major Slaton’s eye has greatly improved and his general health good – we left Col. Grant at Vicksburg. He was improving then. I have not heard from him since. At this time we are living all about. Chance and my horses are East of the Yazoo, and by the way he has the chills. My tent is on the west side of the river on the Peninsula. About 300 yards further down the Fort, where we stay most of the time. We guard the Fort and guns, man it, and picket out on the Bayou in front. For the time being I dine and sup all around wherever I can find something to eat. We are all pretty well satisfied. On the next page I will give you a rough sketch of our situation, the rivers, fort and etc. We do not think that the Yankees will be able to go attack to the right or left. They cannot pass down by land.
With increasing affection from Father
JF Dowdell
Headquarters 37th Regt. Alabama Volunteers
Moore’s Brigade, Maury’s Division
Ft. Pemberton, near Greenwood, MS
April 5, 1863
My Dear Daughter,
On the 13th of March we left Vicksburg for Yazoo City by river. We remained at this place 2 days and were ordered to report to Gen Loring at this place. We landed 2 miles below this and reported in fortifying our left wing. We were then ordered to the Fort. We manned the fort and did picket duty for two weeks. The Yankees were directly in front of us across a bayou and in sight. Our pickets fired at them occasionally and our artillery at the Fort with heavy parrot and rifle guns opened upon these works occasionally. On the day before yesterday, whilst we were establishing a new camp about 300 yards from the Fort in the open field a shot from a Yankee Gun boat passes directly over my tent striking the ground about 20 paces in the rear. I was standing at the time behind the tent awaiting Gen Loring, who was walking up. The shot missed him only 3 paces. We moved our Camp nearer the timbers that evening and have been somewhat better protected. Still these batteries can survive all over the peninsula upon which we are encamped.
For two weeks every hour we have been expecting an attack. The picket firing hot occasionally now and then heavy artillery fired.
Affectionately Yours
JF Dowdell
Vicksburg, MS
May 3rd 1863
My Dear Wife,
I was resting on the banks of a branch near the Yazoo midway to Snyder’s Bluff listening to the sound of artillery and awaiting orders to move in either direction wherever the service of the Regiment would be most needed. I have scarcely finished perusing the letter when orders came to move rapidly to Snyder’s Bluff. We reached these a little after dark and rested on our arms in the road until daylight. In a short time our artillery opened upon the enemy who had launched a portion of his force from the gun boats in our front. The river was full of boats. They kept a respectful distance. In the evening four of their gunboats opened fire upon our batteries nearby which we were stationed. The fire was terrific. The shells exploded over and about us, but did us no harm. They continued firing until night when they gave signs of leaving. Shortly after dark we were ordered back to Chickasaw Bayou near our old Camp. This morning we learn that the boats have left Snyder’s Bluff.
It is understood that our rivers below Vicksburg near Grand Gulf have been hotly engaged in the meantime. General Tracy’s Regiment has suffered badly. Willy Samford belonged to that Brigade. We have heard but few of the particulars. The General was killed. We have orders to march in that direction tomorrow. During the present month we shall have hard work. We hope to hold this place. My trust individually and naturally is in the Lord.
To Him I have committed my soul, my life, my character, my family, My Country, my all.
On Sunday last I preached to a large congregation I the M. E. Church in Vicksburg. I felt the spirit with men and trust that my feeble efforts in the Masters Cause were blest.
God Bless and preserve you all!
JF Dowdell
Atlanta, Georgia
Nov. 10th 1863
My Dear Wife,
I met Dr. Calhoun of Newnan here. He invited me to go home with him, but not knowing when the Regiment would leave I could not accept his invitation.
No news from the front of any interest. The two armies are confronting each other, but whether they will fight this winter or not, no one knows. Oh how anxious I am to be with you all. My constant prayer is that God may preserve you all. You are ever in my thoughts and heart. My love to all the children. Cease not to pray for me.
Most Affectionately
JF Dowdell
Mass Grave of CSA Soldiers in Iuka |